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Recursive merge sort Works on the principle of divide and conquer. You split the array in sub arrays, until you can't further divide. Then a merge between two arrays is performed to produce a sorted array. Merge sort algorithm is a recursive algorithm. The terminal condition is if there is only 1 elment in the array. Once you have left sub array and right subarray. Create an empty array to hold…

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Another O(n^2) sorting algorithm Insertion sort is another simple sorting algorithm. An analogy that can be used to remember how insertion sort works is. A person is given a task to arrange people in a queue in ascending order of their heights. This coordinator picks a person from (i)th position and tries to find their correct position. A correct position is where person ahead in the queue is…

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An analogy One of the easiest way to remember bubble sort is to think about what happens when you drop a heavy object in to glass of soda. There are bubbles while the heavy object goes and rests at the bottom. \ Bubble sort is one of the most simplest sorting algorithm where, you keep comparing the two consecutive items to one another and if they don't seem to be in their right place, i.e first…

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Adobe firefly AI generated image to represent micro frontend application It’s a new jargon and new lingo, we have been doing this from the time we have frames not just iFrames. I believe the jargon is heavily influenced with the concept of domain driven design which is not a new thing is you have been ever involved with the back-end development at scale. A piece of caution I would say Micro front…

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RESTful API As the full form goes Application Programming Interface, it suggests that we are trying to communicate with something. In order to do so we define certain contracts, which in simpler words is to define the rules of how you ask for something and how I will be responding back to you. One of the analogies is whenever we write a letter it should have a specific format for specific use…

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